
Here is a list of music. Lyrics can be viewed after hitting play.

When the lyrics switched from ‘You don’t know who I really am’ to ‘I don’t know who I really am’, it made my breath catch in my throat. I think what people want most in the world is to be known and loved. But to feel like someone doesn’t really know you, and that you might not really know yourself makes my heart ache – I think because we all feel that way sometimes. And then to apologize for who we are…it felt very real and honest.

Carena Ozirney, music lover

Poignant! Powerful! Evocative!

Beth Lloyd, vocalist and music lover

Head over to Convos with Carlos to get extras!

Check out my blog post, ‘My Birthday (Fake) Heart Attack Music Playlist’, which includes, well…a playlist of all the music from the saga!